GraphQL Developer Portal
We' ve just released the GraphQL Developer Portal! We'd love to share something we've been working on with you, which is a way for you to generate a Developer Portal for your stellate API.
When leveraging this new feature we will create a new web-application that is located at `<serviceName>`, you can configure the branding, links, ... of this app. Here you can guide people so they can get to know your API.
If your origin API does not leverage authentication the developer portal can facilitate that by toggling `auth` on. This will allow consumers of your API to log in and generate API-tokens which you will be able to filter on in your stellate metrics.
Try it out today by going to your service-settings and choosing developer portal or adding `devPortal: { enabled: true }` to your config.
Do you have more ideas for the developer portal? Suggest them or upvote what others have suggested.